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Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Check Canvas:
-National Honor Society FREE Student Tutors (Available 24/7 online)

Now Hiring: Student Tutors

The Career Center is Looking for HBHS Students Interested in Paid Tutoring Jobs
Do you excel in one particular school subject? Or several?
Would you like to share that knowledge with other HBHS students or middle school and elementary students AND get paid?
If you speak a second language or are a whiz in one or multiple subjects you could help HBHS students as a tutor!
If interested, please fill out the student tutor application here:
In Need of a Tutor?
Are you an HBHS Student in Need of a Tutor for this School Year?
Contact Mrs. Wait-Hubner in the College/Career Center:
Please note matching can take up to a week, but you will be contacted by a tutor soon after completing the form.
Professional Tutoring Companies
Under Construction-Coming Soon....
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