Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Independent Colleges & Universities
There are hundreds of independent colleges and universities across the United States. California alone has 70+ private, non-profit colleges and universities. Private institutions include research universities, liberal arts colleges, faith-based colleges, and specialized college/universities. They also range in how selective they are in freshman admissions. One thing to note is that the cost of attending an independent college/university is higher than public universities. However, many institutions are able to provide various types of aid depending on the financial situation of the student.
General Requirements for 4-year Universities
College admission requirements will vary by institution. Please refer to a specific college/university admissions page for details.
Completing high school coursework with “C” or better
ACT or SAT may be required or considered, unless test-optional
Extracurricular Involvement
Honors and Awards
Essay - supplemental responses may be required
Letter(s) of Recommendation
Interview/Audition/Portfolio may be considered or required

How to Apply
Each school will specify how an application can be submitted. Many independent colleges and universities accept the Common Application, which streamlines the application process for students applying to multiple independent schools. The Coalition Application is an alternative application that has a Locker (student portfolio), but is limited in member colleges. Another way is to apply directly to a college if it has its own application on its website. Deadlines will vary by institution.
Common Application: Single application that can be submitted to 1000+ colleges
Coalition Application: Single application that can be submitted to 100+ colleges
Directly apply: found on institution's admission website
WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange)
Schools participating in WUE are great options for students considering out-of-state public institutions. Eligible candidates may be able request a reduced WUE tuition rate for 160 participating two- and four-year public institutions. The WUE reduced tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all candidates. Each school will have specific requirements.