Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Now Hiring: Student Tutors
Education Careers
Interested in becoming a Teacher?
Single Subject? Multiple Subject? Special Education?
Get an overview at the California Commision on Teaching Credentials: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/
Explore alternate pathways to CA Teaching Credential
The CSU system produces the majority of teachers in California Read about their programs at http://www.calstateteach.net
The California Department of Education designed this site to encourage students to teach, particularly in areas of shortage: http://teachcalifornia.org/about/index.html
CalTeach program-through the UC system-
Here's the link to the CalTeach program at UC Irvine (you can google the other campuses to see their programs) http://www.gse.uci.edu/calteach/
You can start your Teaching program at the Community College through the TEACh3 program.
Education Career Websites
Explore more about teaching and other jobs in the education field